¿Qué pasó con la regla olvidada del fútbol?

Prueba The Athletic GRATIS durante 30 días: 📗 El nuevo libro de Tifo, «Cómo ver fútbol» ya está disponible internacionalmente: Está en las leyes, pero nunca se aplica. Aquí está la regla olvidada del fútbol, ​​explicada. Sigue a Tifo Fútbol: Twitter:

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22 opiniones en “¿Qué pasó con la regla olvidada del fútbol?”

  1. Have always loved this rule and the rule change about keepers handling the ball when kicked back to them by one of their own players. Wish refs would strictly enforce this rule and other time wasting rules to speed the game up and end time wasting forever.

  2. I once was cheering for my team and then the opposing gk held the ball for more than 6 seconds I was about to explode of anger lol after the referee gave no free kic

  3. Me being a ref. and meticulously checking when a GK holds the ball and putting it back in play; and yes, i would have been that strict, LET THEM ALL HATE ME… Not a Ref though, the level of strictness that could have been🤔🤔

  4. When it was first brought in, it was definitely enforced. It stopped a lot of time wasting.
    Since enforcement has wained, keepers have gradually increased the time they hold the ball, to the point it is getting ridiculous again.

    It needs to be enforced again properly.

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