Momentos de ira en el fútbol femenino: jugadas sucias y faltas

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48 opiniones en “Momentos de ira en el fútbol femenino: jugadas sucias y faltas”

  1. Извините что не по-английски, но должен сказать что если бы эмоции женского футбола оказались перенесены в мужской футбол то он был бы запрещён как вид спорта угрожающий существованию цивилизации))))

  2. 4:10 correct me if im wrong,yeah? But isn't it a better game plan to have the 2 players with the ball while the other two players battle out to secure the next direction the ball will go to. And to secure space and a route for their team mate to move towards after they manage to fight off the ball. In which they can cross the ball into the penalty zone or if its the other team that got the ball they can clear the ball out respectively.

  3. I think women soccer should be banned. Zero skills, horrible behavior, the male soccer players look like saints next to them. No idea who decided that those people can play…

  4. That Selma Bacha player, charged that other player with a vicious knee to the face, she was sent off and she smirking, zero class, what disgusting person to just be whatever about a vicious foul like that

  5. I'm amazed to see people applaud players sent off with red cards. Especially when the carded player has injured another. (BTW, red carded players are not replaced.)

  6. – tripping
    – pushing/shoving
    – charging
    – crushing
    – pulling/tugging
    – stomping
    – sliding
    – throwing
    – holding/grabbing
    – kicking
    – hip checking
    – stepping over
    – elbowing
    – swiping

  7. Certainly the women soccer is developing. Having said that these fowls are vicious so dangerous and above all full of intentions.The funny part is still they claim innocence.May be it is funny and humorous, certainly ugly to watch.

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