Disparan gases lacrimógenos en partido de fútbol de Indonesia y causan aglomeración de público

125 personas murieron y cientos resultaron heridas en un partido de fútbol de la liga de Indonesia. Suscríbase a Guardian News en YouTube ► Los seguidores de los clubes javaneses y los rivales de toda la vida Arema y Persebaya Surabaya se enfrentaron después de que Arema fuera derrotado por 3-2 en el partido en la regencia de Malang, Java Oriental. Los partidarios del equipo perdedor invadieron la cancha y las autoridades lanzaron gases lacrimógenos, lo que provocó una aglomeración de la multitud. Al menos 174 muertos tras multitudinaria aglomeración en partido de fútbol de Indonesia ► The Guardian publica periodismo independiente, hecho posible por simpatizantes. Contribuya a The Guardian hoy ► Suscríbase al nuevo boletín diario gratuito de The Guardian, primera edición ► Sitio web ► Facebook ► Twitter ►

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42 opiniones en “Disparan gases lacrimógenos en partido de fútbol de Indonesia y causan aglomeración de público”


  2. in Indonesia..in football matches..the security guards from the police are used to carrying tear gas….with the aim of quelling the tantrums of anarchic fans…the police don't realize the dangers of turning on tear gas at night in humid air … will have a tremendous effect on the victim … … the victims mostly with blackened and bluish faces .. a sign of running out of oxygen

  3. I laugh so much that they do this all because a team loses. I mean it's not the end of the world. There's always next time the other team can win. Such a shame especially when you pass away there hahahahaha you played yourself. It's like me giving my life away for a stranger who doesn't know me and I don't know him and I just take my life away as he watches me and he's like okay. He would laugh because he's got his life and he still gets payed for being famous on TV because I ended up taking my life for nothing while he laughs on TV. Hey he's famous gets money while I amd being buried and laughed at.

  4. You telling me this is the brutality of the police and the soldiers, mean while they been attack, the reason of the shoot of teargas is to stop more people coming in into the pitch. How do i know, I BEEN THERE OKAY. The stadium is over crowded!!

  5. The fanatical fans were excessive, and caused a riot in the Malang stadium in Indonesia, such a huge rage caused the police to panic and shoot a lot of tear gas, this is the real cause of death… tear gas!!

  6. I will never be able to understand how some sports have can have such little respect for human beings. Attempt to hurt people, just because they aren't your team? Because they won? Why follow sports if you can't handle the ups and downs, why follow sports if you can't bare to see the other team succeed. This isn't just this game, it happens in every sport all over the world. Just ridiculous

  7. This is the original attitude of Indonesians that is not covered up by the media, said Caucasians, Indonesians are friendly, polite, generous.
    On social media, many netizens are noisy because of trivial things.

  8. Could care less about these people only thing that's is tragic is that it was o ly a 100 who died..too bad it wasn't more…

  9. Tragically, the same thing could have happened in Europe 3 weeks ago. More precisely in Romania at a football match U Craiova 1948 – Rapid 1923 final score 1-0. Unfortunately in Romania everything is corrupt from the press to the state leaders. And Rapid 1923 is always a team against this corrupt system. Brief story: The bus of the guest team Rapid 1923 was sold by supporters of the rival team U Craiova 1948. During the match, a steward of the U Craiova 1948 team wanted to steal a bener of the Rapid 1923 team right in front of the fans. And their other forces of order (of Craiova) were already armed with batons and tear gas sprays in front of the Rapid 1923 supporters.

  10. Single document summarization has enjoyed renewed interests in recent years thanks to the popularity of neural network models and the availability of large-scale datasets. In this paper we develop an unsupervised approach arguing that it is unrealistic to expect large-scale and high-quality training data to be available or created for different types of summaries, domains, or languages. W

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