Rafael Nadal with impressive football skills during Wimbledon #shorts

Rafael Nadal impresses watching England manager Gareth Southgate with some close control.

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45 opiniones en “Rafael Nadal with impressive football skills during Wimbledon #shorts”

  1. Who is that “dignitary-man” who smiles when Rafa shows his ball-skills-trick….he is impressed by what Rafa did. Great, successful and powerful R4 match- game for Rafa late tonight. Dear God pour out your glorious strength, might, power and wisdom upon Rafa as he plays. Let him enjoy the game to the maximum performance without any distraction (like grunt) from his opponent. I pray for a good weather conducive for him to play. I release peace, love and joy of the Holy Spirit into his heart and mind to protect his body, soul and spirit from any negative thoughts, feelings or emotions that will affect his excellence to play, in Jesus name. amen

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