EFDN – The European Walking Football League

Walking Football is a slower version of the beautiful game, simply football without running. It is a methodology aimed at older age groups and ex-football players who, due to health reasons or injuries from the past, have been out of the reach of grassroots sports clubs and sport-based community organisations. Walking Football helps to play the game at a more feasible pace, eliminates barriers and provides greater accessibility to sport. EFDN have delivered the Pan-European programme European Legends and have promoted Walking Football across Europe. We are proud to now be an official partner of the Walking Football League, an initiative of our EFDN member clubs who have continued to disseminate Walking Football in Europe. The goal of this unique competition is to spread the passion the participants have for Walking Football beyond borders. FC Schalke 04 is one of the driving forces of the Walking Football League. The club will present the latest version of the Walking Football League, which was developed by EFDN in collaboration with FC Schalke 04 and Bayer Leverkusen. The aim is, to spread the idea of Walking Football all over Europe, to make other clubs aware of the various advantages, that Walking Football can bring for each club. Furthermore, we want to show, that WF is an effective way to break down barriers and to bring people from different countries together.

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