► Suscribirse a Sky Sports News: ► Mira Sky Sports: FIFA anunciará premios de $ 1 mil millones para la recién ampliada Copa Mundial del Club para 32 equipos, que incluye Chelsea y Man City. #skysportsnews #skysportsfootball #chelsea ► Para los últimos desarrollos de esta historia: ► Para las últimas noticias de transferencia: más de Sky Sports en YouTube: ► Sky Sports: ► Sky Sport Sports Boxing: ► Sky Sports Cricket: ► Sky Sports Darts: ► Sky Sports Football: ► Sky Sports F1: ► Sky Sports Golf: ► Liga de sky Sports: ► Liga de la tercera edad: ► ► ► ► reur Tiktok: ► X: ► Sitio web: ► Para consultar sobre la licencia de contenido deportivo Sky, puede obtener más información aquí:
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Breaking: FIFA anunciará $ 1 mil millones en el dinero de la Copa Mundial de Clubes que involucran a Chelsea y Man City

That's very nice
Oh what a surprise!
Unbelievable that Chelsea were even invited…..err i mean qualified
People will cry about Chelsea in the comments

Footballs done
The team that got Chelsea to this tournament 4 years ago is an entirely different team today, how is that fair
Champions league over rated. Slow tournament and never a real knock out round always best of 2 so boring
Let’s hope Canada is smart enough to televise it and not be as greedy as they are nowadays
Funny how the protest start and journalists do this presentation sponsored by clearlake capital
Why not Liverpool?
this is such a desperate move from fifa – knowing no team wants to really play it cuz of all the injuriy concerns, so they just pump money into it
Money is said more times than football in this video. I feel sorry for the smaller teams. This is just low-key empowering the big teams. And the media is doing everything they can to shove it down our throats
Lend us a tenner FIFA.

Game is so gone
A) where is that money coming from?
B) why every 5 years?
corrupt af
This game is dead
Although this is off topic but fifa and cancacaf higharcy need to come together and develop the facilities in the Caribbean countries and next is the policy of the cancacaf champion league why the Caribbean teams have to win Caribbean Cup to qualify for the cancacaf champions league it is underwhelming, it make it like the Caribbean teams will not have opportunities to play against team in the MLS and the Mexican league and Canadian teams also, to me it makes like the Caribbean teams are the lowest teir, I Don't like it, it's just not fear, cancacaf is for the west right, so cancacaf could expand the tournament for argentina teams, Brazilian club teams, Caribbean clubs teams, Mexican clubs teams and Canadians teams plus the rules enforcers MLS, anyway the format cancacaf champion league can expand, so please FIFA AND CANCACAF, increase the marketing attention, attraction, TV rights, sell the the products, they are many gems that are glittering but not being scouting, I want to see world class not in retirement coming over the MLS are the Caribbean leagues in the Caribbean, but the football market must spread all over, just make cancacaf champion league great not just Leonel messi attraction for the league, but more super stars in their prime in Europe and England cross over to the western side and still play at the elite level, yes that what I want, cancacaf have the same elite level of power like the European champions league
Money has destroyed football. No passion
100 million is not 1 billion!
Bye bye football
It's down to you City and Chelsea fans to boycott all home games until this is reversed because unless you do, you are eating from a corrupt hand.
yep, the game is gone, time to go home lads
Why is city in the competition if they're going to be relegated for cheating
What’s the prize money for the actual World Cup .. if it’s less it’s ridiculous a country wins and use the money to spend on youth and pitches for local clubs
Basically Chelsea is in it and will make money from it because of Tomas Tuchel . Biggest mistake letting that man go
Lets just keep it to Countries world cup only fifa..
just ran by fifa n uefa
This man is good at his job
The criteria for qualification makes no iota of sense
So super league?
They made the super league by themselves after critizising the concept when it was planned to be owned by the teams. Now they act saint and won't take the money in first year. After that everyone will forget what they did and they will put the money in their own pockets.
Lottery winners for the teams in, universal credit for the teams out lol
More injuries to players & crisis to the clubs
FIFA is growing the game all around the world. Congratulations
Good old FIFA turning to bribery because no one is interested. Yeah whatever
Zero revenue's.

. Thats the number one lie in business.
“Greed” is literally ruining everything I love…
Disgrace, proper disgrace