Escocia estará decidida a lograr un gran triunfo en Hampden frente al ejército de tartán cuando reciba a Portugal. Últimamente ha sido un período difícil para la selección nacional, que intenta poner fin a una mala racha de resultados. Las lesiones de hombres clave como Kieran Tierney, John McGinn, Aaron Hickey y Nathan Patterson no han ayudado a la causa, mientras que el capitán del Celtic Callum McGregor puso fin a su carrera internacional después de la Eurocopa en Alemania. Cristiano Ronaldo y compañía han estado entrenando en Paisley, en la casa del St Mirren, y aterrizarán en Glasgow después de haber ganado tres de tres en la sección de la Liga A, con Escocia desesperada por conseguir sus primeros puntos en el marcador mientras luchan por permanecer en la máxima categoría. de la Liga de las Naciones. Leer más: Página de inicio de Daily Record: Daily Record Facebook: Daily Record IG: Daily Record Twitter:
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Rodriguez Club
Pipes were in wrong tune, should have been higher key.. that key was rugby
They got some excellent players
Battled well
Good show Scotland great defending and wee got a good keeper
Scotland will roll over this bunch of has beens
We should go back to red socks,we've been shite since we switched.
2-1 Scotland

It's time to stop the talk and walk the walk give us goals not hard luck stories
Portugal will win 4=1

Not a lot on TV tonight so I thought I'd watch Scotland, could do with a good laugh
When was the LAST time / game / occasion, when a Partick Thistle player was A. In the Scotland Men's Squad; B. Used as a substitute in a Scotland team; C. Played from the start in a Scotland (friendly OR competitive match)? Who was he (or were they
Clarke needs gone he’s clueless he calls up Barron who was the worst player on the park at recent u21 game
I think we will cause a scare tonight and lose 25-0

Scotland can't beat Portugal