@BetaSquad VS @AMPEXCLUSIVE se enfrentan en un episodio exclusivo de desafíos de fútbol. 3 rondas, fútbol contra fútbol….¿quién ganará? ¡El hogar de JD Sports en YouTube!
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Guess tomorrow's score right now
The keeper is bad
Editing is abysmal
Never cook again editor
fire this editor

How could you not have hired a better editor Lmao
The first challenge when agent hit the ball 3 times
Kenny appears to be an SV2.
Yes sir. !
Pls delete the cringe music, just ruined it for no reason.
it problematizes me that i have 12 dollars and these guys havel ike 16 mil minimum each
All the amp members are almost obes
Fanum can’t ever touch a football again
Hello, Humans
Those who constantly point the finger, understand their own failings…but refuse to admit it.
Boring af
WHERE Kai at?
I want support
Why does Kenny have hair extensions, and Agent 000 runs like he's pregnant and looks pregnant
i was gonna defend the editing but its actually horror
What've escaped my notice. Kenny got a low cut and is afraid of heights.
Am i the only one who noticed how they were clowning between the two teams about the sport
! Even roasting each other at the end
Agent we see the smiles but genuinely you don't look happy
The editing in this video was outrageous.
Agent think then a mug. No diddy
who edited this video? brother look for another career
Literally thought they got Sully from Avatar.. but nah its just Kenny… Lmaoo
JD should fired who ever was involved in making this video
The corny music ruined this video for me
Bro, who was in charge of sound for this video?
Have a good day God’s love you
Here after AJ's BANGER

Why AMP squad so quiet? All I hear is "Lads"
This editing is unlawful.
An AMP vid is without Kai is wild.
whos the editor to sync the music with the ball missing at 12:16 XD
the editing though…. man did not want to do this video
15:40 whats the song name?
So everyone gets 3 tries
Davis bruh… lmao, you have the best glutes but the worst kick
fire the editor goddamn that sound mixing was horrible. music is 3x vol of peeps
Are you going to Heaven when you die? If you believe that Jesus Christ was born, suffered and died on the Cross, and that God Almighty raised Him back up to Life three days later – and if you Trust that His Sacrifice alone paid for all your past, present and future Sins – then you will go to Heaven when you die! This is the Good News of The Gospel!
Awful editing boring video can’t lie
Fanum and Agent ate the field ate the ball ate eachother and ate the goalie
AMP or BETA SQUAD should've uploaded on their channel JD dropped the ball on this one