La pintura del Super Bowl se lava del campo. #superbowl #fútbol #deportes

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Un jugador muere por un golpe en un partido de fútbol. EFE. Javier Tebas acompaña la cena de Nochebuena de Cruz Blanca Huesca. Camisetas ITALIA

21 opiniones en “La pintura del Super Bowl se lava del campo. #superbowl #fútbol #deportes”

  1. This is so dumb. Never heard of another sport removing paint just to add more of the same dam paint for the same dam logo. Why don’t they just play on green healthy grass like soccer in Europe?!?!? Who cares about logo on grass the fans came to see the players.

  2. I noticed you used bottled drinking water 💧, only in USA feel so entitled to waste resources in such way, I’m not referring to the actual water but the resources put in to bottling and transporting the water.

  3. Its crazy how the people that remove the paint sound like this and the people that put the paint on the fields sound more motivated idk if i make sense but thats how they make characters in movies….

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