What does it take to run a football club and how has ownership changed? | #EarlyKickOff

Former Crystal Palace chairman Simon Jordan discusses how the role of the club owner has changed since he first took the reins of the Eagles.

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23 opiniones en “What does it take to run a football club and how has ownership changed? | #EarlyKickOff”

  1. Simon Jordan is great when he’s like this, when he’s talking about stuff he has a great wealth of knowledge in and giving his views.

    Not so big a fan when he’s just spouting drivel about something he doesn’t have as much knowledge of or being a complete snob.

  2. I would have enjoyed it more if Roman THE EMPIRE Abramovich and the Manchester City owners had been the guest speakers. They know how to runna football club.

  3. Simon is an entertaining guy…but all of his ideas, his notions of a FC, are very much stuck in the 80's. I think there's a reason he's a pundit and not an owner or even tasked by an owner to help run the club.

    He imagines a world where players have no leverage, where there's not a global marketplace for all talent, where players sign indentured servant contracts and the manager is his overseer….it's all very 1989…

  4. “What does it take to run a football club?”
    Why are they asking Simon Jordan? Haha unless they add “in to the ground” on to the end of the question

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