LSU football, recruiting and Tiger sports on TigerBait LIVE publisher and recruiting analyst Mike Scarborough and Baton Rouge sports talk legend Buddy Songy discuss everything involving LSU spring football, recruiting, Tiger Baseball and more!

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14 opiniones en “LSU football, recruiting and Tiger sports on TigerBait LIVE”

  1. If the money gets too great across the board, I worry that players are only coming to school to get game film against good opposition for the bounce to the league. Their want for a ring would become secondary. If they do away with the three year college commitment and went to a one and done, it will create havoc.

  2. 16:20 what’s given to them buddy? Dude they perfect their craft for hours every day not to mention hours of recovery after putting their body on the line and playing through injuries but nOw tHeY aCtUaLlY hAvE tO wOrK fOr sOmEtHinG? That’s nonsensical.

  3. The guys who go to lesser schools and get developed into legit nfl prospects only to transfer to a big school that last year are going to spend their career being introduced as a from the big school rather than the small school that actually made them into what got them drafted. That really screws the small guys.

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