Mike Florio and Chris Simms run through everything we know about Aaron Rodgers’ vaccine drama, from saying he’s «immunized» and not wearing a mask during the preseason to testing positive ahead of Week 9. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #AaronRodgers
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Tracing Aaron Rodgers’ COVID-19 vaccine deception | Pro Football Talk | NBC Sports
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Who cares what his vaccine status is! If you have already received the vax multiple times and are still worried about it not protecting you, then blame the vax manufacturers. NOT the people who had nothing to do with the vax.
The NFL and sports media is so unaware of their audience demographic. People who watch football for the most part don’t give two flying F’s about whether or not Aaron Rodgers is vaccinated or wearing a max. We only care if he is winning or losing.
Too bad Karen Rodgers is also missing the SB. LOL!
Foolish talk. Scared. Of nothing.
Narrative reading as directed. Vax vs un vax. Big hype
He role receive his punishment but not being able to make the Hall of Fame Because of his lies and deceitfulness And so many other players who violated so much maliciously Black and white there’s no discrimination here if you Violate like Aaron Rodgers did there’s no way you deserve to be MVP No way If he does get it you are Sending out a terrible message to the world as well as to the future Players that are coming into the NFL
Should Aaron Roger receive the MVP award absolutely not because what’s good for the goose is good for the gander he is a liar not only to the public to his family friends associates etc. he has no regard for public safety this is a man that Shirley deserve severe punishment what is misleading the world no MVP for Aaron Rodgers Pete Rose receive his punishment by not being able to enroll
To bad it's the vaccinated spreading it now!
To all my unvaxxed brethren out there: HOLD THE LINE!
Forget the vaccine hoax which means nothing. Tell Rogers to cut that garbage hair. He looks homeless.
No mask
He is OUTDOORS!!! So? Where is the relevance? Where is you evidence that a mask is required outdoors?
'vaccinized' dude doesn't speak English. Pretty poor for a TV presenter.
He’s a child I think he made the right choice picking a woman 20 years younger than himself. He obviously couldn’t deal with strong willed women his own age. They weren’t “fans”.
Just finished watching the newly released theHighwire show. Gerrt V. Bossche did an interview with Del Bigtree, the last person a vaccineologist would risk his career to speak to- but not many are taking him seriously.
He is pro vaccine and worked on the Ebola 0utbreak. He just advises not to v.axinate during the heat of the pand3mic and especially not children, especially since they are in the l0w risk population.
Very interesting. Much love
Use me as a dislike button as we can’t see the downvotes anymore.
This exact same type of "cancel culture" is also heavily used in communist nations to try to shame people into mass compliance, or destroy your life if you refuse to comply.
F free speech and basic human rights, right folks!? Who needs 'em?
Folks, it has been two solid years and how many people do you honestly know that died "of covid" without the presence of completely unrelated terminal illness?
Any NPR fans here?
NPRs fully vaccinated Petra Mayer died at age 46 of a heart embolism on Saturday.
Berkeley's 99% fully vaccinated football team has canceled games due to >40 players sick with covid.
Over 50,000 breakthrough cases in Arizona alone (w 375 of them now deceased), but it's a "pandemic of the unvaccinated"?
Folks, pease check out the story of the 75 fully vaccinated athletes that died of heart failure over past 5 months.
the deception is you guys actually think people think florio is smart
NBC Sports, you people need to GET A LIFE!!!
Another wag the dog mass media bait the low i.q. imma tell mommy social media nit pick distraction production.
He would have gotten covid even if he got vaccinated. This whole thing is stupid. Go Bears!
Blech. Stop.
Lol this host/commentator is a POS
The Only team member that Might be worried… are the others that did not Vax. But they Never had to be… and its Scott Free
Not Scotch Free, so many Ignorant Comments….UnSubscribe!
Aaron Rodgers Did The Right Thing , Rodgers is a Leader On and Off the Football Field. Rodgers is not a Follower of Experimental Vaccines and Foolish NFL Rules. I would think We still have control over our OWN Body. It is against Rodgers Belief and God Free Will and Choice to put Something(Foreign Object Damage) into Aaron Body/Soul. That, Rodgers knows will place him at RISK and upset his Heath or cause complications down the line in his career(s). Would You Jeopardize Your Life over Unproven Shots . . . Rodgers Teammates Concur, God Bless Aaron !
Furthermore, The NFL require Players to be Tested for Drugs and CoronaViruses before playing any football games. . . The NFL is not addressing this Issue For Testing . . .
Furthermore, Rodgers is The MVP through The YearsXXX(s). I would Not RISK that Status as an Athlete Football Player. Because, Covid-19 Vaccines XYZ are NOT absolutely safe in many cases. Death and Paralysis to Humans have been Reported since the COVID-19 started in 2020 . . .
And, finally, Guys,
God gave You Free Will and choice to decide what Foreign Object Damage goes into your Body/Soul .
It’s discriminatory to tell someone to wear a mask while another is exempt simply cause of vaccination status. You two are a joke
The media is ran by the left, the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. If you’re unvaccinated you are the minority. These people that control the media need to be fired
However maybe all player not actively playing wear a mask, if it was the same rule for all he would have had to wear a mask
news organizations have been a worthless, deceptive, propaganda tool through this whole ordeal.
You're being superpumped my friend.
Never have been a Rodgers fan ,,,,, I am now
Here's what you guys need to do.
You don't have any special insight into immunology, or viral pathology, or infectious diseases. You do SPORTS. That is ALL YOU DO. You don't know about anything else.
If this man feels he doesn't need a vaccination, and bases this on his considered, and careful research, than he doesn't have to.
And by the way; I am vaccinated. I can still get COVID, I can still pass COVID. So, what exactly have I gained for myself, or anyone else?
The guy lied…that is the issue. Bodily autonomy is a red herring. Aaron did not have the cujones to tell the truth and take the consequences. Now, his reputation is severely tarnished…UNLESS,,, he wins the Super Bowl. If that happens, this all goes away… all is forgiven! lol
Living proof that no matter WHO you are, you may still be an idiot.
This is probably the 4th time I've seen Florio talking about this non-topic – let it go, Man – he's not vaccinated, his choice, case closed!
Who cares what he does.
"_One of the core problems is that you really can’t vaccinate your way out of an ongoing pandemic, you shouldn’t really be doing that_."
Dr. ROBERT MALONE PhD Virologist and Immunologist.