Former Steelers LB Ryan Shazier reflects on a severe spinal cord injury he suffered in 2017, the long road to learning how to walk again and starting a spinal rehabilitation fund to help those with a similar story. #NBCSports #FNIA #NFL #Steelers #RyanShazier
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Ryan Shazier overcomes odds in journey to walk again | Football Night in America | NBC Sports
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His story is inspirational for me. Im currently in rehab and had my left foot and ankle amputated. This gives me more positivity and motivation to walk again also!
Dear God thank you, for answering my prayer. Allowing Ryan to be able to walk again, to enjoy his family. He is a great person. I myself have had a misfortune in my life. Ten years ago I contracted Spastic Paraparesis, I am able to move with help of a walker. I have accepted my fate. There are others who are worse than me.
I wish this man the best of Luck
I'll never forget seeing his injury live. Sobering, scary stuff, I hope he continues to excell. Sincerely, an Eagles fan
What he give her?
Absolutely INCREDIBLE!! As a nurse who has taken care of spinal cord patients in the past, Ryan’s recovery leaves me speechless! Way to go, and keep paying it forward!?
Smh that broke my heart seeing him not getting up
I actually was watching this game, I prayed for you that night so glad you’re healthy
what ring was the ref wearing ? mason ring ???
I gotta remember this when I feel too depressed to get out of bed
He would’ve been a great linebacker it’s crazy how someone’s dream can get destroyed like that
Best lb every was
He looks good and healthy. I'm so happy for him
This guy really had a life changing moment and turned it all into something amazing for so many people instead of dwelling on it for years.
I’ll get hate. But before this happened. Everyone was told don’t tackle with your head because exactly this can happen. Yet he did it. Knowingly. For pure hit power. Amazing fucking recovery though
That’s so awesome his wife is a real one too Ryan is a real one.
Shadiest day of my life. Due heart steelers fan wanted to see you play for years to come
Wiggling your big toe does NOT sound stupid when you are paralyzed. I'd have been elated. Hope you can eventually wiggle MORE!!! Good luck to you!!
That half pot leaf half ohio state mask was so cool
I love this guy man
This is great. Shazier is a great inspiration. My question is will he let his kids play football?
I'm am overjoyed for Ryan Shazier's recovery and progress. God Bless.
Ryan is a hero and inspiration. Love and respekt Bruh.