Speaking on MNF, Gary Neville believes players should be subject to regular diversity inclusion training to avoid incidents like Edinson Cavani’s shared Instagram post this week.
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woke nonsense
What a condescending man he is suggesting all fans in fact everyone has to go on diversity course to be trained how dare he, we all have to be educated has this man looked up who BLM are some of the people in that group need to go on diversity against hate course there no fee speech football is not about football it’s time people switch off
Guess what…there’s more than one language in the world and not everyone has a grasp of English. He used a Spanish word. It’s not offensive
Word: exists with a completely different meaning in another language
England: we must put an end to this racism
In that case….
Asians: pronounce many words that sound like the N word
Me: oooohhhh. Then I guess we gotta “educate them”
The world has gone ga ga
UK is a joke
Thr whole thing is a misunderstanding of the Latino culture, period.
Whilst I believe that the FA's action was appropriate i.e. a 3 match ban, this also goes to demonstrate the need for elite clubs especially to understand each and every player and the culture that they arrive from. Including Cavani. I love football x
Diversity training– Does that mean Cavani will be forced to do a BLM dance routine on the next Britain's got talent? can't wait
The problem is these guys don't want to get cancelled and lose their cushy jobs .These clowns are getting offended for the person who received the tweet who wasn't offended, work that out. Basically Cavani has been robbed of £100,000, thanks whitito
To anyone who thinks Cavani did anything wrong ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
They will put a latin american man to sensibility education to learn his CULTURE is wrong. How is that something good? In ALL latin america "negrito/a" is affectionate is a GOOD word, why don't you go with queen Celia Cruz and put her into education too for her songs? it's like "BAKA" in Japanese means "stupid" but in spanish "Vaca" means "cow" how don't we call our cows different bc people will get offended. Disgusting, things mean different things in different languages and cultures , that's the true cultural richness, if it means something bad in your language that is something wrong with your society, for us saying "Negrito" is an insult means that you are saying that a being a black person is an insult.
How about diversity training about other languages and how words in other languages and cultures have different meanings that might not be the same as a English word that sound similar? Where is the inclusion of Cavanis South American culture or are we saying our standards are better and their cultures should bend to our more superior beliefs?
Ignorant People talking about something they do not have a clue about. Generación de cristal.
What a bunch of pussies !!! It wasn’t an offensive term !
Shut up Neville
Isn't it weird that telling other cultures that they're is wrong is classed as "diversity and inclusion"
the comments being triggered… i don’t think y’all get the point gary made anyway
After the PSG game, its been proven that some sort of inclusion training would be beneficial
libtard moment
Gary lineker, John Barnes and now Gary Neville. Twats
I find rap music offensive
0:12 negrito means fatty not the n word
The only racism is towards white and Hispanic people.. ??
fk worlds gone mad
Only white people would take this light
This is A stupid thing big like jupiter planet. He was greeting not insulting. Its really ridiculous he have to apologize about people beliefs of another country that dont understand how the world works. Not all the world is usa or england. The word negro in latin america is not bad an sometimes like In this case is affective. It can be use to insult but its very clear this is not the case. A trully nonsense all this matter.
Education and training?? Was the whole Suarez thing not enough training for every sound American player using that word.. listen being foreign or not you know not to say that word when it’s been a huge problem in the past for players.
I liked Gary Neville punditry early on but I’m over it now.
The people who are offended not even blacks…………………..
Woke white lads offended on behalf of everyone signalling their virtue…
Sounds Like Gary needs an education/training in diversity in spanish & latin american culture
100% with you Gary.
Great vison.
It’s funny how Garey sits there to criticize the fa blah blah this is the same man who is constantly supporting the ideas of calling players like Pogba and martial Lazy the term lazy is very offensive in the black community yat he uses it they don’t criticize no others players the way they criticize some black players
You are sounding really ignorant here because you don’t understand the Uruguay/Argentina Spanish. Calling “negro” or “negrito” is a friendly term, especially if it’s someone you know.
Stop waining, he DIDN’T do anything wrong.
"endearing term meaning sweetheart especially in writing".
We'll according to the slang dictionary it means this…
So where's the problem
Valencia fans are offended