BBC Sport puts the the top tennis players at Wimbledon to the test as they face our tennis, football or neither quiz – could you identify which answers are real?
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Tennis or football? – Wimbledon 2018 | BBC Sport
Todas las noticias sobre Fútbol publicadas en EL PAÍS. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Fútbol. Camisetas Real Madrid
Murray's sarcasm ???
I am sorry to say Federer and Nadal are both finished careener by brutal Novak one in final of Wimbledon 2019 and other in Roland Garros semi final which both were expected 90% to win.these kind of failure at these crucial ages are not returnable ….should wait few years Novak get same destiny by Medvedev or Tsisipas or Zerev
Fed knows Salah very well. Salah used to play for FC Basel, where Fed played in his youth before totally commited to Tennis. Fed is a huge Basel fan.
"No actually he beat me"
I feel bad for Marin
Some of these were hard wth
"you see this Murguruza?" hahaha Love Halep..
Zverev: ill put myself in there ?
Andy Murray being sarcastic all the time ?
My all time favs: Rafa(Tennis),Leo(Football)…
I don't follow female celebrities only except Mugu(Tennis)….I love this three so much that it's better not to describe.
Btw really glad that the faces of Messi n Mugu were combined…n much more glad that Mugu got it easily…. it's that time when you feel that your choices are somehow interconnected n you have the right choices.♥️♥️♥️
For the names, they should have asked them about Knowledge Musona lol
1:38 "yOu sEE tHiS MuGUruZa?" ??
Rafa's our Joey, we all love him…
Thiem’s expression at 1:19 is like wtf
Leander paes….love u
Halep at 1:39 lol
Worst video I’ve ever seen. The sound is barely audible, at 1:03 the distant sound is behind with picture. What’s the fucking point ‘bbc’ ?
Football or Tenis?
Djokovic: RESPECT
I thought Cilic said fuck this game loool
Ponerlo español el español manda putos???
Nadal: Tennis antennas?
BBC: Yes
Nadal: Halep an me
Lmao at Thiem ?
Dmitrov"s laugh at 1:43
Nadal looks so stupid here… sorry for saying…
they should have asked Beepo Merlo and Peanut Louie- 2 tennis players back in the 80s
Such a lovely video! Awwhhh,!!!
Parking the bus?
As I Chelsea fan I know that