5 paranormal stories in football | Oh My Goal

Do you think that football has avoided any supernatural activity? Think again! Football has plenty of spooky stories… This sport has tales of ghosts, witchcraft, fear and mystery.
And don’t think this only concerns unknown clubs. It’s happened in the Premier League too! Here are 5 paranormal stories from the football world.


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41 opiniones en “5 paranormal stories in football | Oh My Goal”

  1. For number 3 there is an obvious read why they started wining not because of the witches magic but rather the witch gave them confidence. They thought the curse had been lifted so they played better

  2. Benfica also has a story, when they won the CL 2 times earlier and then when their coach left he said "This club will never win a European trophy again" and since that Benfica lost about 4 or 5 finals between CL and EL..

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